The Fintech 250: The most promising fintech companies of 2022

With supplementary fintech study and application, CFA charterholders may be well poised pursue a career in fintech with their robust understanding of the finance industry and the connections made through CFA Institute membership. Embedded finance is the term for when a non-financial business integrates fintech tools into its point of service. Examples include payment processing terminals at coffee shops and buy-now-pay-later buttons on e-commerce store checkouts. This integrated finance stack makes for a smoother, more-flexible experience for customers — and we’re likely to see it more and more in the days ahead. While insurtech is quickly becoming its own industry, it still falls under the umbrella of fintech. Insurance is a somewhat slow adopter of technology, and many fintech startups are partnering with traditional insurance companies to help automate processes and expand coverage.

  • At the close of the year, twelve fintech companies had even achieved decacorn status (a valuation of $10 billion or more).
  • Read continuous updates on ways technology is revolutionizing the alcohol industry.
  • DeFi generally refers to the ecosystem of financial applications being built on blockchain networks.
  • From rapidly evolving technology to fundamental demographic shifts, multiple trends are converging to drive significant changes in how people and firms will operate in the finance industry.
  • Initially launching in the Nordics, where four large banks control more than 80% of financial assets in their respective country and consumers lack individualistic loan pricing and robust financial management alternatives.

Technology in finance continues to evolve; advancements include the use of Big Data, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning to evaluate investment opportunities, optimize portfolios, and mitigate risks. Financial firms of all sizes and types are actively hiring people who can help them apply to their businesses. Applicants who demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the financial services industry and understand how fintech can deliver faster, easier, more innovative products will have a leg up when applying for positions. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, and data science are the most desired skill sets. However, people who aren’t software engineers can also fill much-needed positions in areas such as product management, sales, graphic design and interface design. Two emerging areas that OFI has been monitoring include decentralized finance («DeFi») and non-fungible tokens («NFTs»).

FINRA Hosts First Ever Virtual Artificial Intelligence (AI) Conference

But in many cases, fintech is something that improves the traditional financial system, without totally breaking with it, but only giving people a more consumer-oriented  and inclusive experience. In general, the perception people have of fintech has to do with the disruptive innovations it brought if compared to the traditional financial system we are used to. FinTech stands for financial technology, which consists in the use of innovative technologies applied to the financial industry. Fintech is helping consumers change habits and obtain a fuller understanding of their financial circumstances and available options, giving them more confidence to take action and achieve better financial outcomes. It gives people the ability to take actions that were previously more difficult to take (such as investing on your phone). Because of that, it’s paving the way for a more financially free and equitable future.


For all fintech detractors, we want to underline that blockchain is just a part of fintech. Arner, Barberis and Buckley noted that the solutions found to fight the crisis were mostly related to new regulatory frameworks. But it is important to note that Bitcoin couldn’t be affected – because there were no authorities to control this new asset. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 1.5 million people lost their jobs in 2008 – the highest level since 1996, the year when data became available. According to Fortune, the number went up to almost 9 million during the whole crisis. All this system requires trust and, as we said, this trust wasn’t always well placed.

Insurtech — Insurance Fintech

Fintech, a topic incorporated in the CFA Program curriculum, will inevitably affect the way the industry operates, careers in the investment profession, and investor outcomes. Focusing on opportunities for change, our goal is an investment industry in which investor interests come first, markets function at their best, and economies prosper. Over the past decade, though, the fintech industry has seen accelerated growth — and fintech innovations are likely to only advance from here. The annual Forbes Fintech 50 spotlights the hottest and largest companies in the industry. The 2022 list is topped by Stripe, a decade-old payment processor with a $95 billion valuation. In second place is Klarna, a 16-year-old Swedish firm that offers consumers financing for purchases at many major retailers; it was valued at $46 billion.


This is the main purpose of some popular fintech products and services, which are relatively recent in the market. But to fully understand the meaning of fintech, it is important to note that financial technology took time to reach this level of inclusion. A less restrictive regulatory framework helps with  inclusion – but this also has drawbacks, and we saw this also in the case of fintech companies and the PPP. So far, we said that the meaning of fintech lies in how it deals with the financial system – in a disruptive way, even if sometimes it just needed to improve some aspects of traditional finance. The traditional financial system is what helped us to manage corporate and personal finances so far. And when fintech came into the scene, it didn’t need to reinvent the wheel – as we will see later.

Director Product Management Integration and Digital Assistant at Oracle Cloud

This year’s winners are shaping the future of B2B and B2C financial services, from payments and banking to investing and insurance. With billions of dollars to be made, it’s no surprise that machine learning has played an increasingly important role in fintech — and in trading specifically. When fintech emerged in the 21st century, the term was initially applied to the technology employed at the backend systems of established financial institutions, such as banks.

You deposited your paycheck by snapping a photo on your smartphone and uploading it using your bank’s mobile app. When it was time to head home, you hopped in an Uber and paid for the ride with a stored credit card—or even in Bitcoin. That said, many tech-savvy industry watchers warn that keeping apace of 7 Ways to Jump-Start Your Cloud Computing Career-inspired innovations requires more than just ramped-up tech spending. Rather, competing with lighter-on-their-feet startups requires a significant change in thinking, processes, decision making, and even overall corporate structure. Julia Kagan is a financial/consumer journalist and former senior editor, personal finance, of Investopedia. Robo-advisor adoption is set to grow in the future — presenting an opportunity for fintechs and incumbents alike.

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